Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Should Marketing run our presidential elections?

I was thinking today about marketing and found my self wondering about how much marketing picks our president.  Whatever the candidates do is told to them by an advisor.  What they dress, speak, drive, everything is planned.  We as Americans want a president that looks good and can speak well.  I believe those are the few things, along with how many cool signs we see out on the road, that we pick our presidents by.  The presidential campaigns are all about who has the best marketing.  Back in the day there were no television ads or debates, all it was were few public appearances and maybe a radio discussion later on in history.  Most of the time Americans had no idea what the president looked like only what his beliefs were.  We used to pick a president on who we thought would be the best at leading our country not who had the best T-shirt or written speech. Do you think Americans feel differently and if so how do you think we pick a president?

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