In the U.S. we tend to have a lot of fashion statements that show how we like to live our lives. Some may wear Abercrombie or Kohls brand clothing and that tells a lot about who we are, what class we belong in or what we think we are. Marketing strategies try and pick out the latest in fashion based on what the celebrities are wearing assuming that young adults and even adults will follow in their footsteps. This is a risky plan because it all weighs on whether or not the fashion statement is what they think it is. Sometimes companies are off of their strategies and are set back and forced to try again if their company is still alive. A funny fashion trend that failed consisted of skinny jeans for men and a wallet which was known to be more like a "purse". Most men would agree with me that this may be a little uncomfortable. Stay away from the skinny jeans. Is this a failed product in your mind? should this company take another approach and create normal jeans for men?